Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pace Yourself!

Do you find yourself running from point A to point B at 100 mph?  I want to say take a moment to stop and just breathe.  Not everything has to be done this very minute.  It’s not safe mentally or physically to try and squeeze 25 hours worth of activity into a 24 hour day!
Something I have found that works for me.  Every morning while I’m getting ready for work I take about 5 minutes to write down my daily goals….not a laundry list of things that should be done but a simple list of things I’d like to (or need to) get done today.  Don’t put so many things on the list that you set yourself up for failure. 
Once I write down what I need to do today, I can then prioritize how I’m going to accomplish them.  Maybe if there are a few errands to run I can mentally map out my driving course so that I’m more efficient in getting those errands finished which saves me more time to complete other tasks. 
Remember, pace yourself.  Life is a marathon, not a sprint.